Lipgloss and Lace
May 17th, 2021

Things are feeling pretty hopeful around here!

My husband and I are both fully vaccinated. We’ve made our first reservation to get out of town in July, and are headed to our first restaurant this week. I’ve been able to hug my family after 14 months, and wow…what a feeling. Slowly but surely we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and for that I am so extremely grateful.

Thursday is my birthday and like every year, I welcome it with open arms. It’s a day to be SO thankful for life and all of its blessings. Age is just a number. Life and aging are the greatest gifts that we could ever possibly have!

I’ll be back next Monday, so until then I hope you enjoy a beautiful week! Thanks so much for reading xo


16 responses to “Life is Sweet!”

  1. Kate says:

    Happy Birthday sweet friend! Love the light at the end of the tunnel, and YAY for travel and hugging family <3

    Green Fashionista

  2. what a gorgeous dress! you look fabulous in purple xx
    Elegant Duchess xx

  3. Michelle says:

    I echo your joy of life returning to some semblance of normal. Being able to hug my mom and my friends has been huge. Happy Birthday, Shauna!


  4. Yaaay to being fully vaccinated! And happy birthday love!! I wish you a lovely day with lots of cake and time with your family. Here’s to another great year! Xx

  5. You look gorgeous in this dress!! The backdrop is amazing too:)

  6. Jill says:

    It’s such a great feeling to see light at the end of the tunnel! This dress is so dreamy! Happy Birthday!

    Jill- Doused in Pink

  7. Ashley says:

    Happy happy early birthday and HOORAY for being vaccinated! So excited for you to get to see your fam and to take a well-deserved vacation!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  8. Allie Mackin says:

    Yes I have been fully vaccinated too! And things are opening up here too and starting to feel normal. And Happy Birthday, LOVE that dress!

    Allie of

  9. Lovely says:

    That’s a gorgeous dress! Yay for the vaccination! Happy Birthday!

  10. Radi says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful celebration!
    Enjoy the sweet life! πŸ˜‰

  11. Andrea Nine says:

    Oh friend! How I hope you’ve had the sweetest birthday week!! What a dress and what a blessing to hug, travel, eat out and embrace life to the fullest! You are truly AMAZING! Keep on celebrating right through the weekend! xo

  12. Molly says:

    Yay for your vaccination! Hope you enjoy celebrating your birthday!

    Molly xx

  13. Danielle says:

    That dress is so lovely!

    Danielle |

  14. Mica says:

    What a beautiful maxi dress and background! it’s great you’re vaccinated – I can’t imagine not seeing my family for so long! How good it was in time for your birthday too!

    Hope you are having a nice weekend πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!

    Away From The Blue

  15. Sugar Lane says:

    Such positive photos!
    I hope you had a great birthday,
    Have a wonderful week,

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