Lipgloss and Lace
January 22nd, 2018


β™₯ Β  β™₯ Β  β™₯ Β  β™₯ Β  β™₯ Β Β β™₯Β 

So this is a very special post, because my favorite fur baby is turning 6 today! In honor of this little guy’s birthday, I wanted to share SIX things I love most about him:

β™₯Β  This is a dog that loves playing with his toys at ALL hours of the day! It makes me laugh how much he can shake the heck out of one in the middle of the night. A few of his favorites are green inchworm, piggy, baby lamb chop and blue key (we name each toy – I know…we’re a lot)

β™₯Β  My favorite trick he can do is “High 5”. My sister taught him as a puppy, and when you say “high 5”, he gets up on both legs and taps your hands with both paws

β™₯ I love his soft little snores, they melt my heart

β™₯Β  Riley loves to lick…but only my husband. He won’t lick me or even strangers, just Dad. Totally OK by me – I’d rather have the cuddles!

β™₯Β  I love when he gets a burst of energy and runs around the house like crazy. When he gets that excited, he prances like a reindeer

β™₯Β  I love how TRULY happy he makes us. He may be a dog, but a special one he is. Sometimes I just look at him and think “I could not love your cute little face more!” He fills our hearts with so much joy!

β™₯ Bonus: This was his debut on the blog. Such a baby…

Happy Birthday, sweet Riley! We love you so much!Β 


32 responses to “So Dog-Gone Cute!”

  1. Mica says:

    Aww, happy birthday to Riley! He’s so cute! I love that photo where you can see he’s had enough of being a model, haha! They have the cutest little expressions, don’t they? I love our fluffy pup, always will be our first baby!

    Hope that you are having a nice start to your week and you had a good weekend! We had a quiet one here.

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. Meagan says:

    I love your smile in these photos–you look so genuinely happy! Happy Birthday to your furry babe!


  3. Rachel says:

    Happy Birthday, Riley! I love all these fun facts about him and it’s super scary how much he and Ella are alike haha! I just know they would be best friends if we didn’t live on opposite sides of the country! Ella would play all hours of the day if she could and yes, we name each of Ella’s toys too! Hope you have a great birthday, Riley!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  4. sophie says:

    Cute dog.Very nice pictures you have there.

  5. Katherine says:

    So sweet! Dogs really are amazing companions! We love our lab!

    Katherine |

  6. Lux G. says:

    I’m sorry but this baby stole the spotlight from you. So cute!


  7. Andrea Nine says:

    Riley is such a cutie patootie! And he has the BESTEST mommy and daddy! Ahhh I know this love so well as is how we feel about our Daisy. She turnes 13 next Monday. Spoil that boy rotten! He is soooo precious and so are you!

  8. Oh what a cutie! Happy bday to him. And heyy, love your outfit, that jacket looks so chic! Xx

  9. Katelyn Chef says:

    ahhh Happy Birthday, Riley!!!



  10. Samantha says:

    Such a cute post! Your dog is adorable!

  11. Nina says:

    How adorable . I can only imagine how cute he is when he is doing “High 5′. Happy Birthday to your cutie.

    Nina’s Style Blog

  12. Kate says:

    Awwww HAPPY BIRTHDAY Riley! And high five <3
    Green Fashionista

  13. Amy Arnold says:

    Aw happy birthday to him! Sweet pics!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  14. OMG that’s the most adorable set of pictures I have seen in past few days!! Love the outfit too, so cute and happyyyyy birthday!! πŸ™‚
    Hope you had an amazing weekend!

  15. Fur baby!!!!!!!! This reminds me that I need to put my dogs in my posts more often. Thank you for joining our link up today!


  16. Elise says:

    Aaaaawwwww, Happy Brithday Riley!! He is so sweet, and those photos are the cutest!

    xx, Elise

  17. Happy Birthday Riley! Such a cutie, and I love that he can high five!

  18. monica sors says:

    So cute!!! love this post!
    MΓ³nica Sors

  19. Awww your pup is so cute! I love these pictures.

  20. Jessica says:

    I’d love to cuddle Riley too! Such an adorable pooch!

    Jessica |

  21. Ashley says:

    Awww, happy birthday to sweet Riley!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  22. Laura says:

    You are both too cute! Happy Birthday to Riley!

  23. Shelly says:

    So sweet! I couldn’t love my fur baby more. They really do become a member of the family.

    Shelly | The Queen in Between

  24. Lyddiegal says:

    Happy Birthday Riley! I always love to see bloggers and their pups, and he sounds like he brings you a lot of joy.
    Chic on the Cheap

  25. Ruth says:

    Awww how adorable! He sounds like such a sweetie!

  26. Alexandra says:

    Yes, i am totally agree with you!

    Love your outfit so much!

    Here is some Pretty Lavender Outfit Ideas to Brighten up Your Days


  27. Jessica says:

    Your dog is so cute! Doggy snores are so cute.

  28. awww soooooo cute Riley! My lil boy Gibson is 6 too! he looks adorable and how cool that he can do the High 5! I try, beleive me to teach them… i think it is easier to try as a puppy, but that is cool! I know they both snore up a storm and it is cute. Love these photos of you with him. dogs are THE best!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  29. Jackie says:

    He’s such a little cutie! Happy birthday to Riley! Dogs really are a part of our family and bring us so much joy!

    xo, Jackie

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