Lipgloss and Lace
March 20th, 2017

(I love how you can see the reflection of the fields in my glasses! ↑)

Dress: Show Me Your MuMu | Flower Crown: Forever 21 | Glasses: Quay

Too many flowers…said no one ever.

We finally made it to the flower fields, which I’ve been wanting to visit forever! It’s only about a 40 minute drive from us, so we got up early, grabbed someΒ Starbucks and headed south. Once we got there, we had to load up on a TRACTOR to get to the fields. Me in a white dress and crown while everyone else was pretty much in sweats and a sweatshirt (#awkward). It really is SOΒ neat once you get to the flowers. There is literally every color you can imagine, and the camera couldn’tΒ even capture all of it. NoΒ surprise that I headed straight to the pink section πŸ™‚ I have to say, nothing kicks off a beautiful start to the weekend, than thousands of flowers as far as the eye can see…Β 

Thank you all so much for reading, and happy first day of spring! XO


62 responses to “Flower Power”

  1. miri says:

    Hi Shauna, I love the location and your flower headband. You look gorgeous, sweetie!

  2. Andrea says:

    You know I am crazy about flowers and cannot believe how beautiful this is. Well, plus I am crazy about you so you are the perfect flower child! Feminine, precious and you shine in every way!! Happy Monday darling!

  3. this is stunning! I am sure you felt weird riding there in a tractor, but it was well worth it!!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. Kelly K says:

    That field of flowers looks like a total dream! You rock the flower child look girl! So boho and fab!

  5. Meagan says:

    I LOVE that you rode on a tractor to get to this location, haha—it was so worth it! Gorgeous photos and you look beautiful!


  6. Victoria Fox says:

    I love love love these shots! Beyond gorgeous! And I love how you had to take a tractor to take these photos! Thats so fun! Looking gorgoeus as always!

  7. Kiran says:

    Such beautiful photos, you look gorgeous! Xx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  8. amy says:

    Wow! It would be a dream of mine to be able to go to such a place. And I’m so jealous you are getting to see flowers already. We still have snow on the ground in Wisconsin. You look beautiful. Gorgeous photos.

  9. How gorgeous are those flower fields?! Spring paradise! And loving the OTS detailing, so pretty! Cheers to a fabulous week gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  10. Keri says:

    Omg flower child!! These photos are absolutely gorgeous <3

    Enclothed Cognition

  11. katelyn says:

    omg-these photos are gorgeous!!! worth the tractor ride for sure! p.s. I love quay sunglasses =)

    Happy Spring!!!


  12. Samantha says:

    Such a pretty dress and love your photos!

  13. Nina says:

    These photos are adorable. You look amazing.

    Nina’s Style Blog

  14. Rachel says:

    So, so gorgeous, Shauna! But oh my gosh, I can’t believe you had to get on a tractor in that white dress!! The things we do for blogging haha! Not only are the flowers gorgeous, but I love your dress and flower crown — you are like spring perfection! Have a great week!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  15. Brooke says:

    These pictures are gorgeous Shauna!! I so wish I had something like this in my area.

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  16. Abby says:

    Love it – everything looks so pretty! From your dress to your sunnies and that floral field!!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  17. Nikoline says:

    Wow, beautiful spring photos! You look amazing <3


  18. Tamara says:

    Woow! these pictures are so stunning and what a beautiful field! Totally worth the drive!


    Tamara –

  19. Amy says:

    GORGEOUS!! I loved the photo you posted on IG. This was so worth the early morning and drive.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  20. Elifnaz says:

    Lovely pics, you look gorgeous!

  21. Divya says:

    Love the pictures, so beautiful. You look like a princess in this dress


  22. Sarah Bell says:

    Omg this setting is so beautiful and I love your off-the-shoulder dress! So simple and pretty!! I need to find a place like this near me!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful post with us at On Mondays We Link-Up…loving having you join us!! xo

    Trendy & Tidy

  23. Zorica says:

    These photos are goals. Such an romantic and dreamy look.
    Well done girl. Keep up with the good work.

  24. So beautiful!!! You look lovely!

  25. Deena says:

    I love that everyone was in sweats whilst you were a peony princess in white. This is my fave of your photo shoots.

  26. Lanae Bond says:

    The setting is so pretty! I would love to do a photoshoot like that! Love your dress and floral crown.

  27. This is such a lovely set of photos! Great style for Spring and such a fun post πŸ™‚

  28. Gretch says:

    Your photos are just so gorgeous! So much pink, and so many beautiful flowers in one place! The place is beautiful, and you look stunning as well!

    – Gretch of

  29. Jackie says:

    Absolutely beautiful! I love these pictures! Who knew such a magical place existed! This must have been such a fun photo shoot and you look gorgeous!!

    xo, Jackie

  30. Yiota says:

    Omg! How beautiful are these flowers, I am obsessed with nature and flowers at the moment and I am always outside taking pictures! You look amazing! x


  31. Evelyne says:

    I love this dress so much on you!!! And that crown!! This look is perfection beautiful girlie

  32. Margot says:

    Your photos are amazing in theses flowers.
    I love your spring dress !

  33. Laura says:

    Your awkward ride was so worth it! You look absolutely stunning, as always, and this background is amazing!

  34. Lyddiegal says:

    You look like you are in heaven! The fields were definitely worth the trek. Where are they located?

  35. Wow absolutely love your dress and your flower crown!! And this location is amazing! Hope you have the best start of Spring! Big Xx Susanne –

  36. Elise says:

    HOLY!!!! These photos could not be anymore gorgeous!! Seriously stunning Shauna!

    xx, Elise

  37. Lola says:

    I am so psyched for these photos!
    I mean, you look absolutely radiant and the flower fields are just amazing! I always fantasized about taking photos in such gorgeous fields πŸ˜€

  38. Sierra says:

    Lol that would be me all decked out while everyone else is low key. But, how can you pass up your outfit with a setting like that?!? You look great girl! Beautifully Candid

  39. Yvonne says:

    This is so beautiful! A perfect spring day and a dress to match!
    xo Yvonne

  40. Ashley says:

    Omg, this field is STUNNING! And you look so perfect- total flower child! πŸ™‚

    Le Stylo Rouge

  41. Katherine says:

    These photos are gorgeous! You look beautiful, girl!

  42. Wow, these pics are amazing. Just picture perfect. You look stunning. The white dress is such a great choice – among the field of pink blossoms. Spring has definitely sprung.


  43. Ruth says:

    It’s taken me so long to get over here and see this because….life….but omg this is amazing! When I saw the picture you posted on insta I knew it was going to be epic. Seriously every picture is so awesome! This is my favorite post you’ve done lady!

  44. Tina says:

    I’m completely obsessed with this set of photos!!! The flower field is amazing and you look stunning in your white dress!!!


  45. marta says:

    WOW so much gorgeousness in this post, your look is boho perfection!

  46. Kim says:

    This dress is stunning and those flowers….SO PRETTY!!


  47. Annessa says:

    How gorgeous are you and these photos!!??? It looks like such a magical spot. Had to laugh at your comment about being the only one dressed up – the pics were totally worth it!


  48. Sharron says:

    Wow so beautiful and so dreamy. The flowers look so beautiful as do you. And the photography is awesome

  49. Abigail says:

    These photos are so gorgeous! It’s still cold where I am, so it’s nice to see some spring vibes! Obsessed with that dress! I’ve been looking for an off the shoulder maxi for a while!

  50. Adriele says:

    Haha, the beauty of these stunning photos aside, the idea of you on the tractor in this white dress is HILARIOUSLY honest. Thanks for sharing the not so glam side of blogging. Because we’ve all been there. #TheOnlyOneDressedUp πŸ˜‰ Stopping by from the Confident Twosday linkup!


  51. Carrie says:

    Gorgeous dress & beautiful flowers!

  52. These photos are beautiful and you look gorgeous! I’m loving the white dress, and the flower crown makes the perfect finishing touch!

  53. Lux says:

    Nothing could be more spring-y than this. πŸ™‚

    Gorgeous dress and flowers. Oh, so lovely!

  54. Ciara says:

    This is such a gorgeous shoot!! I can’t get over all the pink flowers. It was totally worth the tractor trek.


  55. What a beautiful location and pictures. Stunning πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays, I will be featuring your post on tomorrows blog hop πŸ™‚

  56. Shelly says:

    Simply gorgeous

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